domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009


Transomatic Dialogue
Transomatic Dialogue enables a deep healing of body and mind working with the symptoms of disease, emotional and psychological issues listening to the inner wisdom, thus re-activating the self-healing process of the body. A deep trance allows an interactive Transomatic Dialogue with the body-mind localizing the somatic origin, which has created these tensions. Releasing, relaxing and restoring the original harmony of the person. Healing with color, sound and meditation is an integral part of the Transomatic Dialogue, restoring the person to its original harmony and wholeness.

Akashic Processes
A safe and systematic approach to real and authentic spiritual self-transformation of individual consciousness brought about by a sequential and progressive series of processes, each in the form of individual sessions, deepening and expanding awareness by directly experiencing remembered events from their ‘Personal Akashic Records’: an archive of memories from the evolutionary path that the individuals’ consciousness has taken over eons. The resulting expansion of awareness creates an ever widening overview leading from the microcosm of personal reality to the macrocosmic reality of Universal Consciousness.

Dream Dialogue
A voyage through your dream which contacts with your unconscious and subconscious mind using Transomatic Dialogue to reveal the messages of the elements of your dream and of the dream itself. With the help of a light trance you will be talking directly to your own dream. Your Higher Consciousness will be communicating the message your dream is telling you helping you to balance your inner and outer life according to this moment.

Chakra Dialogue
Working with the tool of the Transomatic Dialogue we will be accessing directly the seven principal Chakras checking for possible blockages created by stuck memories, emotions or energies. The optimum functioning of the Chakras will be reestablished with the help of the Higher Consciousness and harmonization with color and sound.

Dialogue with the Seven Energy Bodies
We are much more than we usually think we are. We have a vast field of support from our Energy Bodies in order to live life in a more fulfilling and expansive way. Opening the consciousness of the Energy Bodies and checking for possible blockages is the first step, accessing with your direct experience the wisdom of the Energy Bodies brings an expansion to the experiencing of your life previously unimaginable.

Past Life
Past Life sessions help you to clear any doubts, confusions, unresolved issues or existential fears you might experience at this moment in your life directing you to learn from that past life with more clarity and gratitude. The mysteries of birth, life and death show you the eternal being you are.

Starlight Transomatic
Starlight Transomatic facilitates the healing process using Color-as-light to help the person to access repressed core memories in the body and to heal with the quality each color frequency possesses. Once the causes of the disfunction are revealed and healed, the body-mind can let go of this repressed and previously held tension, activating the self- healing energy field restoring its original functioning.
AUM chanting and color harmonization with Color-as-light as used in chromotherapy LED treatment not only heal and harmonize, but also take meditation to a greater depth.

Starlight Meditation
Starlight Meditation infuses the person with the broad color spectrum using Color-as-light (as used in LED treatment) balancing on a deep level the vibrational information using light waves as a carrier for super luminary information. Harmonization happens on a sub-cellular level snapping into balance emotional, physical and spiritual imbalances. Up-leveling to Higher Consciousness where harmony is our inherent birthright. In the depth of meditation authentic transformation happens resonating and harmonizing with the miracle of existence.

Food Transomatic
Exploring the wisdom and relating you are holding in this moment with the food you choose or have not chosen yet. What we eat creates our body and sustains our energy. Each person is an individual and has different needs. Food Transomatic helps you to listen inside and connect with the wisdom what is right for you. Choosing the food, that is in harmony with you, enhances the expression of your maximum potential. (If you would like to look into any specific food issues you might have such as allergies, intolerances, etc. a Transomatic Dialogue session is more suitable in order to get to the root of the issue.)

Trances for relaxation, meditation and healing
Stress, tensions, pain, emotional and existential issues are signs of the body, mind, heart and soul, which show us that we are going against ourselves and the harmony of existence. The guided trances help to reconnect with our body and our senses. Connecting us with our being, traveling through the emotions and senses- the micro cosmos. Letting go into the macro cosmos- the universe. We can see that we are much bigger than our body, allowing us to enter into the mystery of existence.

Starlight Chakra Balancing
The body-mind is an energetic system that receives, transforms and transmits energy as color, sound, movement, electricity and light. In this energy system are seven principal Chakras acting as coordination centers which can be accessed through the body. In its optimum functioning the Chakras allow the person to live a life in harmony and fulfillment: physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. The balancing of the Chakras will be done with the help of the Starlight system of LED light, Feeling-Sense Awareness, healing and AUM chanting.

All sessions, workshops and meditations are held in english, spanish or german